Wednesday 1 February 2012

Waiting On Wednesday (5)

A Midsummer's Nightmare
byKody Keplinger
Release Date: June 5th 2012

Whitley Johnson's dream summer with her divorce dad has turned into a nightmare. She's just met his new fiancee and her kids. The fiancee's son? Whitley's one-night stand from graduation night. Just freakin' great.

Worse, she totally doesn't fit in with her dad's perfect new country-club family. So Whitley acts out. She parties. Hard. So hard she doesn't even notice the good things right under her nose: a sweet little future stepsister who is just about the only person she's ever liked, a best friend (even though Whitley swears she doesn't "do" friends), and a smoking-hot guy who isn't her least, not yet. It will take all three of them to help Whitley get through her anger and begin to put the pieces of her family together.

Filled with authenticity and raw emotion, Whitley is Kody Keplinger's most compelling character to date: a cynical Holden Caulfield-esque girl you will wholly care about.

I've read both THE DUFF and SHUT OUT by Kody Keplinger and I must say, her books are one of the most authentic and she GETS teenagers. She doesn't try to hide anything; her protagonists and characters have sex. Whether people like it or not, teenagers do have sex. She capture's a true teenager's  (like mine) emotions and how her characters act and feel are SO TRUE. I'm really really excited for this one, and the summary looks very promising! I can't wait to read the romance (since The Duff and Shout Out didn't lack in the steamy stuff) and OMG, a boy who's soon to be her step-brother, who she had a ONE NIGHT STAND with? Ahh! Yes please!!

COVER THOUGHTS:  Love the girl's face! And the very summery and beach-y look!

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