Saturday 14 January 2012

In My Mailbox (2)

In My Mailbox is hosted by Kristi at The Story Siren. It’s a super fun meme where we gush about the books we got during the week.

BOUGHT                                        ::: 02  :::

1. Bloodrose - Andrea Cremer (US hardcover) 
2. Frostbite - Richelle Mead (US paperback)

FOR REVIEW (NETGALLEY)           ::: 05  :::

1.  Halflings (Halflings #1) -  Heather Burch (February 1st 2012)
2. Graffiti Moon - Cat Crowley (February 14th 2012)
3. Welcome, Caller, this is Chloe - Shelley Coriell (May 1st 2012)
4. The Peculiars - Maureen Doyle McQuerry (May 1st 2012) 
5. Don't You Wish - Roxanne St. Claire (July 10th 2012)

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