Saturday 8 December 2012

The Collector - Victoria Scott Q&A Video!

Hey guys!

I was supposed to post this yesterday, but as usual I'm a fail, so I'm posting it today. *sigh*

Anyway, enjoy this video of the author of my most anticipated book of 2013 - Victoria Scott.

PEEPS. Don't forget that THE COLLECTOR now has a new release date (grrrrr!) which is 2nd April, 2013. I know that's like what, 3 weeks? but still. :/

And if you haven't already added it on Goodreads, please do! I know you want an excerpt and a new trailer approved by Dante himself. ADD IT HERE.


  1. Seeing things like this just makes me even more excited about THE COLLECTOR!! Goodness, I cannot wait. And,urm...I asked the pie question. *giggle*

    I wish I'D meet Dante Walker. Is it just me or is the whole meeting thing super cool?

    Just a Booklover

    1. Nope! Definitely not just you!

      Haha! I knew it was YOU! ;)
