Monday 18 February 2013

Blog Tour: Game For Marriage - Karen Erickson (Review)

Game for Marriage (Game for It, #1)Title: Game For Marriage (Game For It #1)
Author: Karen Erickson
Release Date: January 11th, 2013
Publisher:  Entangled (Brazen)
Genres: Adult, Contemporary Romance
Pages: 170
Source: For review/blog tour

He’s going in deep to make her his…

Struggling artist Sheridan Harper never imagined she’d spend a sizzling night with Jared Quinn, the smoking-hot star quarterback of her local professional football team, the San Jose Hawks. And she’s even more shocked when Jared’s publicist offers her a proposition: a fake marriage to keep Jared out of the gossip mags. Being that close to Jared would be too tempting, so to protect her heart, she insists on secretly including a clause forbidding sex between them.

Jared just wants to keep his starting QB job and keep it in San Jose. His reputation as a ladies’ man has landed him in the headlines one too many times, but there’s something about his kind, passionate new wife that tempts him beyond reason. Any sort of intimacy between them is completely forbidden, but as their bodies fall in deep, will their hearts follow suit?
Like with every Entangled Brazen title that I read, this book is just as amazing and fun and sexy and just everything that you would want in a hot adult contemporary romance!
Even though this is only 170 pages, it still made me fall in love with each of the characters. With that short of a story, you'd think you wouldn't really get to know them as much but this just proved me wrong. I was so invested in the characters and I actually wished it was a lot longer! I didn't want to leave their world. :)
You guys know I just can't resist a professional sportsman! I admit I do have a thing for them and can't get enough of them guys in books but this is even better since Jared is a quarterback. Which means he's sexy and HAWT. Authors take note: put sports in your books. ;) 
I absolutely love stories where the main characters' relationship starts out 'fake' at first and then ends up being real and so unexpected and surprising. This is what happens to Jared and Sheridan and I adored reading and seeing them fall in love with each other for real. Sheridan was very funny and likeable and Jared *sigh* What can I say? He's yummy!
I just couldn't put this book down! Read it in one sitting and even then I wanted to slow and devour each page I just couldn't stop. I was so engrossed in their story! Also guys, warning: this book is filled with lots and lots of romance. As in the sexy adult kind. So yeah. *blushes* *grins* Hehe I loved them. ;)

This is such a fun and short read with a surprising depth to it. I absolutely loved reading about Sheridan and Jared and that ending was oh so sweet! If you're looking for the next sexy, unputdownable read, then pick up Game For Marriage. Highly recommended! I think there's a sequel to this (according to Goodreads) and if that's true, then I am so friggin excited for it!!

(Psst. There's no words to describe how much I love Entangled's BRAZEN line. All of their titles released so far from that imprint I just love and love and love. Seriously, guys. READ THEM.)

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