Monday 11 February 2013

Valentine Book Boy Chat: Dean (Day 1)

If you missed the announcement of our (Jessica from Just A Booklover and Me) special Valentine Book Boy Chat and don't know what the hell this is, please click here!
Monday - Dean (Dracian Legacy)
Tuesday - Daniel (Touched)
Wednesday - Trevor (Touching The Surface)
Thursday - Kaidan (Sweet Evil/Sweet Peril)
Friday - Dante (The Collector)
Let's start off this Valentine Book Boy Chat with Dean (Dracian Legacy by Priya Kanaparti)!
I don't know about you guys, but I recently read Dracian Legacy and I'm totally Team Dean! This time I'm rooting for the underdog in this love triangle. He's a bad boy, obviously I'm going to love him.

Who author of Dracian Legacy (Priya Kanaparti) see as DEAN. HOT.
Jana: Hi there!

·        Sup. *leans back*

Jana: So, first question: Are you looking forward to Valentine's Day? Why or why not?

· There’s something to look forward to? Well, that’s news to me.

Jana: LOL! What would you give your girl on Valentine's Day?

· *runs hand down the jaw, thinks, smiles confidently*

If I celebrate V-Day, I’d do the same thing as any given day, an unforgettable kiss first thing in the morning and before she heads to bed.

Jana: Aww, isn't that sweet! Have you celebrated Valentine's Day before? And how was it?

· Nope. Valentine’s is for those less fortunate fools.

Jana: I have to disagree with you there! ;) What's your favourite feature on a girl?

· Have you heard the song, Baby got back by Sir Mix-A-Lot…? *eyes gleam with mischief* Yeah, it’s my favorite for a reason.

Jana: I've got to check that song then. Anyway, what would you and your girl do on V-Day?

· Alright I’ll bite. *rubs hands looks at them* IF I were a type of guy that NEEDS to celebrate V-day, I’d V-ertical dance… *pauses and then looks up* might as well show off my dancing skills.

Jana: Book question- If you had to pick another girl from another YA series to date, who would it be and why?

· I’d totally do… er… I mean consider a date with Deuce from Enclave (Razorland series). She seems like a kick-ass chick.

Jana: Guys love kick-ass chicks, don't they? And finally, do you prefer blondes or brunettes? (Just so you know, I'm a brunette! :P)

· Hair color doesn’t do it for me. So whatever. *shrugs* Just as long as she wears it long.

Jana: Thanks Dean and hope you stop by soon again! :)
Jana, it was my pleasure! Thank you for having me over for dinner. *winks*
Thank you to author Priya Kanaparti and to Dean for taking part in this Valentine Book Boy Chat!
Don't forget to go to Jessica's blog JUST A BOOKLOVER for a different Dean interview! :)
Tomorrow, we will have Daniel from Touched series!


  1. I didn't read this series yet but Oh I can feel all the hotness from this bad boy ;)
    This Valentine Book Boy Chat idea is awesome !!! It will makes my week :D

  2. Jana! Thank you soooo much for having Dean on your blog for the Valentine's day blog! We both appreciate your support, however pain in the behind he is!
