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My Policy

Please read all of this carefully before contacting me:

UPDATE 2014 
I am currently not accepting new requests at the moment. This blog is on hiatus and I'm not sure if and when I'm getting back to it. Sorry, guys! 

I review/accept/enjoy: Young Adult/Teen, New Adult, Adult
I don't review/accept: Middle Grade
I accept: Finished copies, ARCs/galley, e-books (I own a kindle)
I don't accept: self-published titles (unless I like the sound of your book so please do contact me)

What I love reading (YA/Teen)
: Paranormal Romance
: Fantasy 
: Contemporary
: Dystopian/Post-Apocalyptic
: Sci-fi (very)
: Retellings/Mythology
: Mysteries/Thrillers

What I love reading (New Adult)
: Contemporary romance
What I love reading (Adult)
: Contemporary romance
Basically, all of my books has to have romantic elements.


- Just because I accept your review request, does NOT mean I will get a chance to read and review your book. I DON'T promise that I will ever get to your book. I'm still a student and I've literally got over 100 books waiting for me to read.

- Also, please note that I DON'T always reply. So if you don't get a reply within a week of sending me an email, you can probably assume I'm not interested in your book.

- My reviews always say what I liked and what I didn't like about your book. In every review it contains the title, author's name, date of publication, number of pages, name of the publisher, the book's genre and how I got it (source).

::: Disclaimer: I also don't receive any type of payment for this, so yeah. I'm still poor. :P :::


I'm also willing to for bloggers/authors to guest this blog, so if you want me to host an interview/giveaway, take part in cover reveals/blog tours/guest post then please contact me at:


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