Title: Things I Can't Forget (Hundred Oaks #3)
Author: Miranda Kenneally
Release Date: March 1st, 2013
Publisher: Sourecbooks Fire
Genres: YA, Contemporary
Pages: 304
Source: For review/blog tour
Companion to Catching Jordan and Stealing Parker.
Kate has always been the good girl. Too good, according to some people at school—although they have no idea the guilty secret she carries. But this summer, everything is different…
This summer she’s a counselor at Cumberland Creek summer camp, and she wants to put the past behind her. This summer Matt is back as a counselor too. He’s the first guy she ever kissed, and he’s gone from a geeky songwriter who loved The Hardy Boys to a buff lifeguard who loves to flirt…with her.
Kate used to think the world was black and white, right and wrong. Turns out, life isn’t that easy…
--The Book Depository: http://www.bookdepository.com/Things-I-Cant-Forget-Miranda-Kenneally/9781402271908?a_aid=xreads
Author Links:
-Website: http://mirandakenneally.com/
-Twitter: https://twitter.com/MirandaKennealy
-Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/miranda.kenneally
I'm such a big fan of Miranda Kenneally's stories right from her debut book Catching Jordan, then falling in love with it with Stealing Parker. So obviously I was so excited to see what she comes up with next and while Things I Can't Forget kinda left me a tad disappointed, it was still worth a read and very enjoyable.
Kate is a good girl. I really liked her character and I felt sorry for her at times when shitty stuff happens but you have to know that she's really judgemental. I admit I am kinda judgemental like her but not toooo much. LOL. That's one of her flaws but deep down she's just so loyal and caring and just a good person all around.
Sigh. I didn't fell in love with the love interest in this book, Matt. He just seems so off and awkward and I just didn't really like him. He's definitely no Corndog.
We see the main characters from previous books like Parker and Jordan and their boyfriends. It was such a refreshing and not to mention different since we see them from Kate's eyes.
There's so much that I didn't enjoy about TICF but there are also a lot of things that I did enjoy. We all know how Miranda's writing is just fab and addictive and her writing in this gets even better. She's definitely one of the best YA contemporary writers out there.
I personally think this is her most religious book yet, and while the really preachy stuff doesn't bother me (hey, I do study Philosophy and Ethics, ya know!), I think it will really bother and tire some people. If you thought Stealing Parker was religious, wait til you read this.
Even though this is my least favorite out of her books so far and I was a tad disappointed, lots of readers will greatly enjoy reading THINGS I CAN'T FORGET and I will still continue to read Miranda's work since I know she'll impress me more next time. :)