Author: Page Morgan
Release Date: May 14th 2013
Publisher: Delacorte Books
Genres: YA, Paranormal, Romance, Historical
Pages: 352
Source: Bought
After a bizarre accident, Ingrid Waverly is forced to leave London with her mother and younger sister, Gabby, trading a world full of fancy dresses and society events for the unfamiliar city of Paris.
In Paris there are no grand balls or glittering parties, and, disturbingly, the house Ingrid’s twin brother, Grayson, found for them isn’t a house at all. It’s an abandoned abbey, its roof lined with stone gargoyles that could almost be mistaken for living, breathing creatures.
And Grayson has gone missing.
No one seems to know of his whereabouts but Luc, a devastatingly handsome servant at their new home.
Ingrid is sure her twin isn’t dead—she can feel it deep in her soul—but she knows he’s in grave danger. It will be up to her and Gabby to navigate the twisted path to Grayson, a path that will lead Ingrid on a discovery of dark secrets and otherworldly truths. And she’ll learn that once they are uncovered, they can never again be buried.
When I first found out about this book I was like: GARGOYLES! PARIS! 1890S! FANCY DRESSES! THE GORGEOUS COVER! Seriously, this book ticked all the boxes for me. It was like Page Morgan knew what kind of book I love and wrote it. Her debut, The Beautiful and The Cursed not only lived up to my expectations, but here I am moaning because the next book won't be out until next year! *sob*
It's official: GARGOYLES are my new favorite paranormal creature. I've never read a gargoyle book before so I never really know much about them (though I am interested). They actually ward off evil and protect their humans. I love the gargoyles in this!!! They are powerful, unique and just so kick-ass. The author's take was so creative and just amazing, certainly a lot of research has gone on to this. I honestly think gargoyles will be one of the next big things and with this and JLA's upcoming gargoyle series, I have no doubt about that. :)
Ingrid and Gabby are our two main female characters, and while Ingrid was more of the lead of the two sisters, it was Gabby who I adore. She was just hilarious and a total contradiction to her sister. Gabby's very outspoken and brave, while Ingrid's more of the thinking and quiet type. I did grew to like Ingrid too but it was Gabby who stood out. Then we have the two boys! Luc, while a little bit mysterious to me, was still very swoon-worthy and a complicate character. I loved his backstory. I most prefer Nolan though, he just have my heart. ;) So yes, I love Nolan and Gabby more.
The romance obviously wasn't the main part of this and we only get a few kisses but each time they touch or kiss, it was just sooooo perfect. What I also really loved about this was that for both couples, there was no insta-love. Actually, there was a lot of insta-hate. Which I found hilarious to read about! :) So yes, if you love romance and a healthy one at that, pick up this book.
While the first part of the book was a little bit slow, it definitely made up for it in the second half. And also, the reason maybe why it was slow was because of the world-building and the whole introduction to the characters and gargoyles. The second half was more of action and romance. I do have to say that the author's writing was just perfect. It was soooo vivid that I can actually imagine the whole thing and how she describes the 1890's Paris is just too cool. I want to go there!
The plot was so intricate and complex, there was so much going on, but not to the point where you get overwhelmed and stuff. It was just right. I love the whole idea about the Dispossessed and the Alliance and thought that it wasn't something we see in YA a lot. While the ending left me dying for Book 2 (The Lovely and The Lost), there was no stupid and annoying cliffhanger. It just made me want the book even more :)
All in all, THE BEAUTIFUL AND THE CURSED is seriously worth the read if you're a YA paranormal and gothic fan and if you want to try reading something new - Gargoyles! :)
Pssst. I hope in the sequel, we get more Nolan and Gabby time. ;)
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