Usual standard format of IIWTWAB ~
: Genre(s):
: A sentence or two explaining the storyline:
: What the two main characters will be like (personalities, looks etc.):
: What the cover will look like:
: Preferred publishing house(s):
: Already published YA books that is quite similar to your one:
This month is:
JESSICA @ Booked Up!

I've always had a few ideas for a storyline swirling around in my brain, but I haven't really put it all together yet. However, there is always a romance in there somewhere. I'd love to be an author of a novel where a sweet relationship sparks and develops. Maybe a little bit of action mixed in too, but no "Knight-In-Shining-Armour" rubbish. Girls are far superiour in my made up book! ;)
I've made up hundreds of fictional characters in my head, but the two I have thought about most are two teenagers, one boy and one girl. The boy is always dark and mysterious (I think I'm just describing my imaginary boyfriend!) and the girl is always strong minded and stands up for what she believes in. I could list a thousand names for them, but two I really like are Jay and Deanna. Still, this changes everyday!
I would love to design the cover for it! In my head, it's always eye catching and not too girly yet colourful. And has little images around the edges that each have a meaning in the book.
Urm, I don't know which publishing house I would send it too - basically just who accepts my writing! :P Maybe Random House, DoubleDay?
The type of books I have in mind when I think of chick lits are Luisa Plaja's great novels, like Kiss Date Love Hate and Split By A Kiss. Or Scarlett by Cathy Cassidy (I would have loved to of wrote that!) and the Threads trilogy by Sophia Bennett.
Thanks so much for having me on your wonderful blog, Jana! xxx ~
Check back next month for another blogger's dream book! If you want to participate another month, please email me at
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