Hosted by the lovely Books, Biscuits and Tea, the aim of Showcase Sunday is to highlight our newest books or
book related swag and to see what everyone else received for review,
borrowed from libraries, bought in bookshops and downloaded onto e-readers each week.
~ Catching Jordan by Miranda Kenneally - I read this already last year but I bought the papertback since I only got it for ebook review.
For Review:
~ The Diviners by Libba Bray - thank you so much to Atom Publishing
~ Defiance by Libba Bray - thanks to Atom Publishing
~ Wolf Pact by Melissa De La Cruz - thanks AGAIN to Atom Publishing :)
~ Demons of the Sun by Cindi Madsen - thank you SO much to author Cindi Madsen for this!
~ Wife For Hire by - thank you to Entangled Publishing! :)
~ Speechless by Hannah Harrington
~ Confessions of an Angry Girl by Louise Rozett
~ Eve and Adam by Katherine Applegate and Michael Grant
~ Rudy Redfort: Look into My Eyes by Lauren Child
~ Catching Jordan and Stealing Parker BOOKMARKS - thank you to author Miranda Keneally
Great haul this week - enjoy!
ReplyDeleteI'm really looking forward to reading Defiance and I love the cover of Eve and Adam - looking forward to seeing what you think of them :)
Wolf pact, Defiance, The diviners and Eve & Adam <3 I love your haul, happy reading!
ReplyDeleteCome and visit my WoW!
Fabulous haul! I hope you enjoy Confessions of an Angry Girl as much as I did. Defiance and The Diviners have been pulling in lots of positive reviews.
ReplyDeleteHappy reading.
Katja @ YA's the Word GFC follower
Eve and Adam looks interesting will definitely have to look that one up! Hope you enjoy all of your new books!
ReplyDeleteHere's my Showcase Sunday post if you'd like to take a peek: http://lostinthought-becca.blogspot.co.uk/2012/08/showcase-sunday-11.html
OMG. You got so many amazing books! I'm dying to read The Diviners and my copy of Defiance is preordered!!! And I need to read Confessions of an Angry Girl! Its like mu #1 priority at the moment. @_@
ReplyDeleteMy book haul!
I looove Catching Jordan and I can't wait to see what you think of Defiance, The Diviners, and Eve and Adam! Speechless was another one of my favorite reads this year, so I hope you enjoy all your books! :)
Ivy Book Bindings
Awesome haul! Catching Jordan looks good, I keep meaning to read that one. Defiance and looks amazing and I love the cover of Wolf Pact. And I'm soooo jealous of Speechlessa and Angry Girl! I have requested both of them but no luck yet... *crosses fingers*
ReplyDeleteMy SS:
Catching Jordan is a fab read. Hope you enjoy. I want to read Wife for Hire - can't wait to see what you think.
ReplyDeleteStuckInBooks STS
Great books this week Jana.
ReplyDeleteI'm gonna have to email ATOM. Looks like my Defiance and Wolf Pact have been lost in transit :(
I still need to read Catching Jordan. But I did read Stealing Parker and it was pretty good. I got Eve & Adam this week too, and Speechles was amazing<3
ReplyDeleteHappy reading! ^__^
My Haul