Author: Jus Accardo
Release Date:November 6th 2012
Genre: Young Adult, Paranormal
Publisher: Entangled Teen
Pages: 400
Source: For review (thanks Entangled Teen!)
When a Six saved Kale's life the night of Sumrun, she warned there would be consequences. A trade-off. Something taken for the life they gained. But Dez never imagined she'd lose the one thing she'd give anything to keep... And as if it's not enough Dez finds her immunity to Kale fading, the Six brought in to help Kale learn to control his killer touch starts drooling on him the moment they meet. Worse than that? Jade can touch Kale. But bimbo Barbie is the least of Dez's problems.
After Dez and Kale got away at Sumrun, her father lost not only his most powerful weapon but an important piece of the Supremacy project. Forced by Denazen to remedy the situation, he poisons Dez and offers her a choice--surrender to Denazen for the cure...or die. Determined to find a solution that doesn't involve being bagged and tagged--or losing someone she loves--Dez keeps the poison a secret. But when a rash of Denazen attacks hit a little too close to home, Dez is convinced there's a traitor among them. Jade.
Sacrifices, broken promises, and secrets. Dez will have to lay it all on the line if there's any hope of proving Jade's guilt before they all end up Residents of Denazen. Or worse, dead...
When I read TOUCH (the first book in the Denazen series), I fell completely in love with it. Everything that I wanted in a book was in TOUCH. Whether that's the hot chemistry between two MCs, the action-packed storyline and the YA paranormal that I love, I knew nothing can top TOUCH. Not even its sequel. How right I am. :(
I'm sorry to say that I didn't enjoy this book as much as the first. Before you all scream at me and throw mash potatoes, hear me out. (Though I do love mashed potatoes so that might be an exception).
Dez is one strong female character. She's feisty and cool and everything but there's just some part of her that I don't really like. I love my heroines strong and kickass (like Alex from Covenant, Rose from VA, Tris from Divergent etc.) but Dez just comes across as a little different. And not really in a good way.
Kale was a bit meh for me. I adored him in TOUCH. He was adorable and sweet and deadly and sexy. In TOXIC, I didn't really get that vibe from him anymore. And the bit near the end? TORE ME TO PIECES. (Those who've read this already will know what I'm talking about *hintjadehint*) Yeah, I get why he did it, but I still would have liked to punch him.
What I loved about the two main characters Dez and Kale kinda disappeared in this sequel. There were a LOT of times where I found myself wanting to kick them both in their heads, but there were times when I was still very much rooting for them. The romance that I really appreciated in Touch and found unique, is unfortunately now gone and I found their love lacking something. :(
Let's move on to Jade. EVERYONE HATES JADE. She's such a bitch! I don't think I've ever hated a character girl more than her. I am absolutely fuming. Someone needs to teach her a lesson. I wanted to bitch slap her in more than one occasion. THIS GIRL MAKES ME WANT TO KILL MYSELF.
I really don't get why suddenly everyone's like 'OMG I love Alex!'. Please. That guy is an asshole. Now and then. I really don't like him. And to be honest, I don't think he's needed. In my opinion.
On the other hand, Jus' writing is just fab. Her descriptions are perfect, and the pacing of TOXIC was one that was done very well. I think Jus' writing got even better in this. :) And no matter what I think of this sequel, I would still read anything of her's. So awesome!
The story itself was very good, and even though I had trouble with a few of the characters, I still found myself reading. There's just something about this series that sucks me right in and doesn't let go until the very last page.
Oh, there was this plot twist/secret that I totally knew. Right from the very beginning. Don't you just hate that? When you guess things correctly before the main character does? And I kinda get why Dez never got it but still. I TOTALLY KNEW THAT CHARACTER WAS BAD.
All in all, I have very mixed feelings about this sequel, and honestly: I think TOUCH was million times better. Don't kill me.
Come back here for an author interview with JUS ACCARDO on Thursday! :)
Hey, I just finished reading Touch and I really didn't get the ending :( could someone please explain it to me? I mean, WTF happend to Dez? The nail polish thing and all... Please please please!!