Author: Amie Kaufman, Maegan Spooner
Release Date: December 10th, 2013
Publisher: Disney Hyperion
Genres: YA, Sci-Fi
Pages: 384
Source: For review
It's a night like any other on board the Icarus. Then, catastrophe strikes: the massive luxury spaceliner is yanked out of hyperspace and plummets into the nearest planet. Lilac LaRoux and Tarver Merendsen survive. And they seem to be alone.
Lilac is the daughter of the richest man in the universe. Tarver comes from nothing, a young war hero who learned long ago that girls like Lilac are more trouble than they’re worth. But with only each other to rely on, Lilac and Tarver must work together, making a tortuous journey across the eerie, deserted terrain to seek help.
Then, against all odds, Lilac and Tarver find a strange blessing in the tragedy that has thrown them into each other’s arms. Without the hope of a future together in their own world, they begin to wonder—would they be better off staying here forever?
Everything changes when they uncover the truth behind the chilling whispers that haunt their every step. Lilac and Tarver may find a way off this planet. But they won’t be the same people who landed on it.
The first in a sweeping science fiction trilogy, These Broken Stars is a timeless love story about hope and survival in the face of unthinkable odds.
Mini early review:
While These Broken Stars fell short on my expectations and didn't turn out to be what I hoped, it was still an enjoyable sci-fi read with one of the best romantic pairings. If you're a massive sci-fi fan, then you'd love this!
I loved the concept. Titanic in space? HELL YEAH. Richest girl falls in love with the poor soldier? YES PLEASE. Before reading this book, I was soooo certain that I'd end up loving it, and while I love the storyline, I had a massive issue with the writing. I just didn't connect. The writing felt dragging and some parts were just not needed. I think that's what let this book down for me.
Both Tarver and Lilac were superbly developed characters. What's great was we got Dual POV, so we get to know them both pretty well. These are not just typical rich-girl and poor-boy characters. They are so much more than that and you realise that as you go along. And there really wasn't any insta-love in this, I love how it was slow and realistic.
There were some very suprising and WTF twists in this book. So beware. Lol I was so not expecting something to happen at around 75% and when it did, I was like WHOA. Though I should add that I'm still undecided about that, I'm not sure whether I liked that...
Even though These Broken Stars won't end up in my End Of Year best lists, I don't regret reading it and I'd say if you love action, sci-fi, survival stories and all that, I'd say pick up These Broken Stars when it hit the shelves on December! :)
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