Author: Alessandra Thomas
Release Date: June 25th 2013
Publisher: self-pubbed
Genres: New Adult, Contemporary, Romance
Pages: 300
Source: For review
Joey made her dad a deathbed promise that she would become a doctor, and dedicate herself to fighting the very cancer that took his life. There’s just one problem -three years into her pre-med classes, she's struggling to stay on top of the curve, let alone prove she's dazzling enough to earn a spot in an Ivy League medical school. In a Hail Mary move, she throws a basic Business 101 class into her semester schedule, banking on a perfect score to boost her GPA.
That is, until she’s paired for a final project with Hawk, the bartending, motorbike-riding, gorgeously bedheaded loser who falls asleep in class and communicates in one-word sentences.
Hawk does whatever he wants, whenever he wants, which sets Joey on edge – in every possible way. As they get to know each other, her urge to scream at him is curbed only by her fantasies of tearing his clothes off. Soon those fantasies become reality, and Joey realizes Hawk makes her feel more fully herself than any of the rich boys her mother and sorority sisters approve of.
But the promise to her father hangs over her head, and the harder Joey tries to succeed in her chosen career, the faster everything falls into a hopeless tailspin of bad grades, broken promises and guilt. It doesn't help to have Hawk sitting like a devil on her shoulder, insisting she should be free to live however she wants to live - like he does.
The only thing Joey knows is that her neatly organized life is crushing her - and Hawk's bad attitude might be the only thing that can save her.
SUBJECT TO CHANGE by Alessandra Thomas is a perfect, worthy addition to the New Adult genre. After falling in love with the author's fabulour writing and lovable characters in her debut book PICTURE PERFECT, I jumped at the chance to review her second. Guys, this book did not disappoint and I'll read whatever this author writes next. I'm THAT impressed.
Let's start with Joey. This girl is just the best. She's so dedicated, intelligent and caring. It's highly unlikely that you won't like her. She's very relateable and while you're reading, you can really feel for her as she deals with broken promises, guilt and all that. You can see how hard it was for her to try to fulfil what she promised her dad all those years ago.
Hawk may seem like your typical bad boy jerk, but in fact, he's more than that. You'll find out his reasons and his past (which is very heartbreaking) and it made my cry a little. My heart breaks for him. But anyway, Hawk is just awesome. He really doesn't give a shit about what anyone says and I like that about him. Plus, you can't forget his swoon-worthiness. ;)
The relationship between Joey and Hawk moved at the right pace, so no insta-love there (hurray) and their banter is just hilarious. I love how they can be truly themselves with each other. They're not without flaws, but that's what makes it so great to read.
You know when you read a book, and you just didn't expect you'd like it that much? Yeah, SUBJECT TO CHANGE is one of those books, and dare I say it, it's even better than the first book. It's everything a companion should be and more. This series is one of the best in NA and I just can't wait for everything this author writes.
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