Hey guys! Today I have one of the sweetest authors ever, Sara Walsh, debut author of THE DARK LIGHT. When I first saw her cover, I KNEW I have to find out more about this book. It's the type of cover that would catch your eye from afar, and one that would maybe make you drool a little bit. I know I did. It's one of my favourite covers ever and so I thought it'll be really interesting and fun to find out what Sara's thoughts about her smexy cover. ;)
Also, below we have a swag giveaway for you. 5 PEOPLE will win a set of bookmarks, stickers, and wristbands. Thank you lots to Sara for sending me those for the giveaway. *Hugs*.
1. Did you have any say about your cover?
Hi, Jana! My editor did ask me about covers early on in
the process, but it wasn’t about specific images, just general ideas about
things I liked or might want to see. I have to admit that none of my ideas came
anywhere close to what my publisher designed, which is a very good thing! So, publishers
do solicit input about covers from authors, but they are the ones in charge of
the process, and they do have final say. I am very grateful for that.
2. Also, one of my followers asked me to
ask you if the guy's tattoo's real? 'cause it just looks so COOL!
The tattoo is not real. Sorry! However, it was designed by an actual tattoo artist,
which is almost as cool as it being real. The beautiful artwork was created,
and then digitally added to the model’s back.
In the book, Sol’s tattoo is just as large. It is just as amazing. And it is drawn in full, blazing color.
3. Before seeing your cover, what did you
imagine it would be like?
That’s a tough question. There are a lot of
images in The Dark Light that my publisher could have used, so it was difficult
to imagine which way they’d go. I had seen the covers of other fall debuts
coming out of Simon Pulse, and they were all unbelievably fantastic, so I knew The
Dark Light was going to get something amazing. I had no idea how spectacular it
was actually going to be. I literally screamed when I first saw it.
4. How do you think the cover captures the
essence of the story inside?
I think the cover absolutely captures the
essence of The Dark Light. It is a big action-filled fantasy, but Mia and Sol’s
developing relationship does run through the heart of the story. It’s incredible
how my designer put those elements together. A sense of magic and fantasy is
present in the beautiful lighting and the glorious tattoo. The models
wonderfully capture Mia, Sol, and the connection between them.
5. What was the process like in designing
the cover?
I wasn’t involved in designing the cover,
but I can tell you what I know of the process. A lot of discussion takes place,
with the editor and cover designer working closely to create an image that
captures an author’s story. Others in the publishing team, including
representatives from sales and marketing, will be involved at various stages,
and a lot of questions will be asked to ensure that the final cover represents
the novel in the best possible way. Once everyone’s happy, the cover is shared
with the author, and then is revealed some time later--The Dark Light’s cover
went live about two months after I first saw it. And the process doesn’t
necessarily end there. Changes can be made right up to the moment that a cover
goes to the printers. In fact, following feedback from a major retailer, The
Dark Light’s cover is going to be tweaked. The cover will essentially stay the
same, but you may notice some subtle changes.
Thank you, Sara! I enjoyed reading your answers to my interview questions! Wow! And I thought that tattoo was real too! :) Also, I love this current cover, so I hope they won't change much. *Crosses fingers*.
Mia is torn between two guys--and two worlds--in this epic, romantic fantasy. Mysterious lights have flickered above Crownsville for as long as Mia can remember. And as far as she's concerned, that's about the only interesting thing to happen in her small town.
That is, until Sol arrives. Mia's not one to fall for just any guy, but she can't get Sol--or the brilliant tattoo on his back--out of her mind.
Then Mia's brother goes missing, and Mia's convinced that Sol knows more than he's sharing. But getting closer to Sol means reevaluating everything Mia once believed to be true. Because Sol's not who Mia thought he was--and neither is she
Find out more about THE DARK LIGHT, and author Sara Walsh:
Goodreads Author Page: Sara Walsh
Blog: www.sarawalshbooks.com
Barnes and Noble:
1. Fill in this Rafflecopter Giveaway Form
2. Comment on this blog post about what your thoughts about the THE DARK LIGHT cover.
3. SPREAD IT EVERYWHERE! Get extra points
That's it. Easy peasy, isn't it?! Now, go, have fun and cross your fingers! Good luck!
::: RULES :::
: This is international. I would have to mail them out myself.
: You DON'T have to be a follower of The Book Goddess. But I'll love you loads if you do. :)
: You DON'T have to be a follower of The Book Goddess. But I'll love you loads if you do. :)
: Well, just read the RAFFLECOPTER thingy. I can't be bothered to explain the rest.
: It will start today (2nd July) and end 2 weeks later (16th July).
a Rafflecopter giveaway
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