Hey guys!
Wow, I've got lots to tell you. You'll probably end up bored, but anyway.
- Blogging/Reading Highlights of 2012
Hitting the 500 follower mark - I know this may not seem like a high number of followers but to ME, it is. Because I still am shocked and happy that people are actually reading and commenting on my posts and reviews. Still can't believe it!
Meeting so many good friends - You know who you are! One of the things that I found out is that why can't I have my blogger friends with me here? So much better than my 'real' ones. Special mention to Jessica from Just A Booklover and Kay from K-Books! I love you two both!! *Hugs* But there's so many and those who talk to me on Twitter and on Goodreads - love you too!
My Daemon Invasion team - One of the happiest highlights is our 'Luxing After Daemon' team coming second and being on the Dedications(!!!) for Opal by Jennifer L. Armentrout. I owe it all to my team, since they mostly did all the work and I mostly bossed them around, LOL! But anyway, ahh I love my team!
A line from my review quoted in Deity! - One of my dreams as a blogger is to have a line or something from their review in a book. AND that did happen! My line from my Deity by JLA review was the top and first quote in the Deity finished copy! Pinch me.
Hmmm.. there might be more but that's all at the top of my head...
- Blogging/Reading Highlights of 2012
Hitting the 500 follower mark - I know this may not seem like a high number of followers but to ME, it is. Because I still am shocked and happy that people are actually reading and commenting on my posts and reviews. Still can't believe it!
Meeting so many good friends - You know who you are! One of the things that I found out is that why can't I have my blogger friends with me here? So much better than my 'real' ones. Special mention to Jessica from Just A Booklover and Kay from K-Books! I love you two both!! *Hugs* But there's so many and those who talk to me on Twitter and on Goodreads - love you too!
My Daemon Invasion team - One of the happiest highlights is our 'Luxing After Daemon' team coming second and being on the Dedications(!!!) for Opal by Jennifer L. Armentrout. I owe it all to my team, since they mostly did all the work and I mostly bossed them around, LOL! But anyway, ahh I love my team!
A line from my review quoted in Deity! - One of my dreams as a blogger is to have a line or something from their review in a book. AND that did happen! My line from my Deity by JLA review was the top and first quote in the Deity finished copy! Pinch me.
Hmmm.. there might be more but that's all at the top of my head...
- Thank you to all my followers and friends.
Before this all gets out of hand and I cry like an annoying baby, I just want to say THANK YOU so much to all my followers and stalkers and friends. I had 3 dead blogs before creating The Book Goddess on the 1st January, 2012. I didn't expect that it would survive. And I didn't expect how much I would love blogging and how fun it is to talk about books with you guys. Blogging is one of the best decisions of my life. Seriously. I'm still one of the baby bloggers but I just want to thank you all for making me feel welcome! :) Love ya, guys!
- My first Blogoversary is TOMORROW.
I know. I can't actually believe it myself. To celebrate it, I'm having a massive giveaway :) A book, and two sets of bookish swag. :) I promise you, you'll want it. ;P
- New blog design
Nah. Not really new, just want the main background and colours to be lighter. You'll see soon enough. Not sure when it will be, but SOOON.
I know. I can't actually believe it myself. To celebrate it, I'm having a massive giveaway :) A book, and two sets of bookish swag. :) I promise you, you'll want it. ;P
- New blog design
Nah. Not really new, just want the main background and colours to be lighter. You'll see soon enough. Not sure when it will be, but SOOON.
- My 2012 Reading Challenges
In 2011, I read 88 books. This year, I read 168 books. Whoa. Not including re-reads.
Anyway, you can see my reads by month below and the other 2012 reading challenges for this past year.
17. Article 5 - Kristen Simmons
18. Croak - Gina Damico
19. Bittersweet - Sarah Ockler
20. The Hunger Games: Official Movie Companion
21. Touch - Jus Accardo
22. Unraveling Isobel - Eileen Cook
23. Destiny's Fire - Trisha Wolfe
24. No Time To Die - Elizabeth Chandler
25. Scarlet - A.C Gaughen
26. Nevermore - Kelly Creagh
27. Shadows - Jennifer L. Armentrout
28. Born Wicked - Jessica Spotswood
29. The Catastrophic History of You and Me - Jess Rothenberg
30. Fever - Lauren Destefano
In 2011, I read 88 books. This year, I read 168 books. Whoa. Not including re-reads.
Anyway, you can see my reads by month below and the other 2012 reading challenges for this past year.
JANUARY : 15 :
1. The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight - Jennifer
E. Smith
2. Treachery: A Nightshade novella - Andrea Cremer
3. Cinder - Marissa Meyer
4. Bloodrose - Andrea Cremer
5. Under The Never Sky - Veronica Rossi
6. Blood Red Road - Moira Young
7. Clockwork Angel - Cassandra Clare
8. Graffiti Moon - Cat Crowley
9. Don't You Wish - Roxanne St. Claire
10. Incarnate - Jodi Meadows
11. The Assassin & The Pirate Lord - Sarah J. Maas
12. The Alchemy of Forever - Avery Williams
13. Everneath - Brodi Ashton
14. The Fault in Our Stars - John Green
15. Clockwork Prince - Cassandra Clare
February : 15 :
16. Cross My Heart
- Katie Klein 17. Article 5 - Kristen Simmons
18. Croak - Gina Damico
19. Bittersweet - Sarah Ockler
20. The Hunger Games: Official Movie Companion
21. Touch - Jus Accardo
22. Unraveling Isobel - Eileen Cook
23. Destiny's Fire - Trisha Wolfe
24. No Time To Die - Elizabeth Chandler
25. Scarlet - A.C Gaughen
26. Nevermore - Kelly Creagh
27. Shadows - Jennifer L. Armentrout
28. Born Wicked - Jessica Spotswood
29. The Catastrophic History of You and Me - Jess Rothenberg
30. Fever - Lauren Destefano
March : 16 :
31. Perception -
Kim Harrington32. Something Like Normal - Trish Doller
33. Ta Ta For Now! - Bethany Lopez
34. Arcadia Awakens - Kai Meyer
35. Of Poseidon - Anna Banks
36. Shadow and Bone - Leigh Bardugo
37. Slide - Jill Hathaway
38. Pieces of Us - Margie Gelbwasser
39. Pure - Jennifer L. Armentrout
40. Pretty Amy - Lisa Burstein
41. Unraveling - Elizabeth Norris
42. Fifty Shades of Grey - E.L. James
43. Fifty Shades Darker - E.L. James
44. Elemental - Brigid Kemmerer
45. Untouched - Jus Accardo
46. The Assassin & The Desert - Sarah J. Maas
April : 08 :
47. Throne of
Glass - Sarah J. Maas48. Torn - Cat Clarke
49. Onyx - Jennifer L. Armentrout
50. Fifty Shades Freed - E.L. James
51. Until I Die - Amy Plum
52. Kill Me Softly - Sarah Cross
53. Tempting The Best Man - Jennifer L. Armentrout/J. Lynn
54. Chosen Ones - Tiffany Truitt
May : 09 :
55. Sweet Evil
- Wendy Higgins 56. Insurgent - Veronica Roth
57. Skin Deep - Cher Carson
58. City of Lost Souls - Cassandra Clare
59. Worth the Risk - Robin Bielman
60. Her Forbidden Hero - Laura Kaye
61. Insanity - Lauren Hammond
62. A Midsummer's Nightmare - Kody Keplinger
63. Frostbite Graphic Novel - Richelle Mead
June : 16 :
64. The Golden
Lily - Richelle Mead65. Try Me - Diane Alberts
66. Pushing The Limits - Katie McGarry
67. Divinely Ruined - Diane Alberts
68. The Look - Sophia Bennett
69. Prom Dates To Die For - Anthology 5 authors
70. Grave Mercy - Robin LaFevers
71. The Marriage Bargain - Jennifer Probst
72. A Night of Southern Comfort - Robin Covington
73. Vampire Academy - Richelle Mead (reread)
74. North of Need - Laura Kaye
75. Dark Lover - J.R. Ward
76. Lover Eternal - J.R. Ward
77. Lover Awakened - J.R. Ward
78. Father Mine - J.R. Ward
79. ReVamped - Ada Adams
July : 20 :
80. White Walls -
Lauren Hammond81. For Darkness Shows the Stars - Diana Peterfreund
82. Bare-Naked Lola - Misa Ramirez
83. Sweet Addiction - Maya Banks
84. My Soul To Take - Rachel Vincent
85. Deity - Jennifer L. Armentrout
86. Cursed - Jennifer L. Armentrout
87. An Uncommon Sense - Serenity Woods
88. Party of Three - Lacey Alexander
89. My Life Next Door - Huntley Fitzpatrick
90. Beautiful Disaster - Jamie McGuire
91. The Undomestic Goddess - Sophie Kinsella
92. The Boss and her Billionaire - Michele de Winton
93. Inbetween - Tara Fuller
94. My Soul To Save - Rachel Vincent
95. Valkyrie Rising - Ingrid Paulson
96. The List - Siobhan Vivian
97. Insignia - S.J Kincaid
98. My Super Sweet Sixteenth Century - Rachel Harris
99. Wrong Bed, Right Guy - Kalee Robert
August : 21:
100. Unveiled -
Trisha Wolfe101. Aftermath - Andrea Cremer
102. The Wild Ones - M. Leighton
103. Fragile - M. Leighton
104: Rift - Andrea Cremer
105. Shooting Stars - Allison Rushby
106. Cherished - Maya Banks
107. Coltan's Woman - Maya Banks
108. The Lost Prince - Julie Kagawa
109: Slated - Teri Terry
110. A Bad Day for Voodoo - Jeff Strand
111. Undeadly - Michele Vail
112. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer Stone - JK Rowling
113. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets - JK Rowling
114. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
115. Demons of the Sun - Cindi Madsen
116. The Iron Legends - Julie Kagawa
117. Foretold Anthology - (14 Authors: Richelle Mead, Simone Elkeles etc.)
118. Personal Demons - Lisa Desrochers
119. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire - JK Rowling
120. The Dark Light - Sara Walsh
September : 10 :
121. On Dublin
Street - Samantha Young122. Toxic - Jus Accardo
123. The Diviners - Libba Bray
124. Days of Blood and Starlight - Laini Taylor
125. My Heart Be Damned - Chanelle Gray
126. Ten - Gretchen McNeil
127. All The Broken Pieces - Cindi Madsen
128. Down To You - M. Leighton
129. Stealing Parker - Miranda Kennealy
130. Venom - Fional Paul
October : 16 :
131. Alice In
Zombieland - Gena Showalter132. Destroy Me - Tahereh Mafi
133. My Favourite Mistake - Chelsea M. Cameron
134. Flukes - Nichole Chase
135. Reaper - L.S. Murphy
136. Elixir - Jennifer L. Armentrout
137. Gravity - Melissa West
138. Losing It - Cora Carmack
139. Uses For Boys - Erica Lorainne Scheidt
140. The Evolution of Mara Dyer - Michelle Hodkin
141. Tempting The Player - Jennifer L. Armentrout/J. Lynn
142. Touch of Death - Kelly Hashway
143. Charade - Nyrae Dawn
144. Renegade - JA Souders
145. Down For The Count - Christine Bell
146. One Night With A Hero - Laura Kaye
147. Roar and Liv - Veronica Rossi
148. Finale - Becca Fitzpatrick
November : 09 :
149. Laced In
Malice - Riley Gray150. Make it Last - Bethany Lopez
151. Pantomime - Laura Lam
152. Captivated by You - Diane Alberts
153. Just For Now - Abbi Glines
154. Dizzy - Nyrae Dawn and Jolene Perry
155. Flawed - Kate Avelynn
156. ReAwakened - Ada Adams
157. Hooked - Liz Fichera
December : 11 :
158. Unwrap Me -
Carolina Jordan and Samantha Spencer159. Opal - Jennifer L. Armentrout
160. Radiant - Cynthia Hand
161. Fallen Too Far - Abbi Glines
162. The Gift - Tiffany Reisz
163. The Kissing Booth - Beth Reekles
164. Through The Ever Night - Veronica Rossi
165. Riptide - Lindsay Scheibe
166. The Rules - Stacey Kade
167. Forever My Girl - Heidi McLaughlin
168. While It Lasts - Abbi Glines
Author Challenge 2012
DAC is hosted by Kristi from TheStorySiren
year I intend to read and review 30 Young Adult for the Debut
Author Challenge.
At the end of December, I read 47 Debut Author books.
2. Under The Never Sky -Veronica Rossi
3. Don't You Wish- Roxanne St. Claire
4. Incarnate - Jodi Meadows
5. The Assassin and the Pirate Lord - Sarah J. Maas
6. The Alchemy of Forever - Avery Williams
7. Everneath - Brodi Ashton
8. Article 5 - Kristen Simmons
9. Croak - Gina Damico
10. Destiny's Fire - Trisha Wolfe
11. Scarlet - A.C Gaughen
12. Born Wicked - Jessica Spotswood
13. The Catastrophic History of You and Me - Jess Rothenberg
14. Something Like Normal - Trish Doller
15. Arcadia Awakens - Kai Meyers
16. Of Poseidon - Anna Banks
17. Shadow and Bone - Leigh Bardugo
18. Slide - Jill Hathaway
19. Pieces of Us - Margie Gelbwasser
20. Pretty Amy - Lisa Burstein
21. Unraveling - Elizabeth Norris
22. Elemental - Brigid Kemmerer
23. Throne of Glass - Sarah J. Maas
24. Kill Me Softly - Sarah Cross
25. Chosen Ones - Tiffany Truitt
26. Sweet Evil - Wendy Higgins
27. Pushing the Limits - Katie McGarry
28. ReVamped - Ada Adams
29. For Darkness Shows The Stars - Diana Peterfeund
30. My Life Next Door - Huntley Fitzpatrick
31. Inbetween - Tara Fuller
32. Valkyrie Rising - Ingrid Paulson
33. Insignia - S.J Kincaid
34. My Super Sweet Sixteenth Century - Rachel Harris
35. Slated - Teri Terry
36. Undeadly - Michele Vail
37. Demons of The Sun - Cindi Madsen
38. The Dark Light - Sara Walsh
39. My Heart Be Damned - Chanelle Gray
40. Venom - Fiona Paul
41. Gravity - Melissa West
42. Losing It - Cora Carmack
43. Renegade - JA Souders
44. Laced In Malice - Riley Gray
45. Flawed - Kate Avelynn
46. The Kissing Booth - Beth Reekles
47. Heidi McLaughlin
Hosted by Katie at Katie's Book Blog and Reading
year I intend to read at least 20 Contemporary YA books.
I read 30 Contemporary Books. Most of my favourites of 2012 are Contemporary YA. :)
Adult Books Read in 2012 - 33
New Adult Books Read in 2012 - 13
2013 Debut Author - not included in challenge since read in 2012
1. Uses For Boys - Erica Lorraine Scheidt
2. Touch of Death - Kelly Hashway
3. Pantomime - Laura Lam
4. Hooked - Liz Fichera
5. Riptide - Lindsay Scheibe
- My 2013 Reading Challenges
So my:
2011 Reads - 88
2012 Reads - 168
And my 2013 Reading Goal is...... 140. :)
I would be participating in the 2013 Debut Author Challenge again, hosted by Tara at Hobbitsies! And I'd try to read 40 Debut Author books :) Though I'm pretty sure it would be more than that since 2013 have a LOT of awesome books coming out that I just can't wait!! :D
So my:
2011 Reads - 88
2012 Reads - 168
And my 2013 Reading Goal is...... 140. :)
I would be participating in the 2013 Debut Author Challenge again, hosted by Tara at Hobbitsies! And I'd try to read 40 Debut Author books :) Though I'm pretty sure it would be more than that since 2013 have a LOT of awesome books coming out that I just can't wait!! :D
- My Top Reads of 2012
In no particular order:
Opal by Jennifer L. Armentrout
Onyx by Jennifer L. Armentrout
Deity/Elixir by Jennfier L. Armentrout
My Super Sweet Sixteenth Century by Rachel Harris
Forever My Girl by Heidi McLaughlin
Through The Ever Night by Veronica Rossi
My Life Next Door by Huntley Fitpatrick
Flawed by Kate Avelynn
The Golden Lily by Richelle Mead
Pantomime by Laura Lam
and others.
- Moving Forward to 2013
I'll obviously still be here and blogging. I know there would be at least one break and that might be during May to July, it depends when my exams start, but other than that I'd try to blog and read as much as I can. :) There would be a lot more author interviews, with one every Friday. Hopefully at least 2 or 3 reviews a week and such.
I'll obviously still be here and blogging. I know there would be at least one break and that might be during May to July, it depends when my exams start, but other than that I'd try to blog and read as much as I can. :) There would be a lot more author interviews, with one every Friday. Hopefully at least 2 or 3 reviews a week and such.
Anyway, I hope you have a VERY:
Wow, Jana, amazing post! You've read so many books and taken part in loads of challenges! Congrats on hitting 500 followers and being quoted! Lol, so much has happened to you this year. :D I can't wait to see what you have in store for us. Happy New Year!! :)
ReplyDeleteThank you so much!! :) And Happy New Year to you aswell :)
DeleteThis was such a fantastic post! Congrats on reaching the 500 follower mark!! That's such a fantastic accomplishment in less than a year. And it's so exciting that you were quoted in Deity, and that your team was in the dedications of Opal! That's SO amazing. =) You also seemed to have rocked your challenges in 2012, and you read so many books this year. Congrats!!!
ReplyDeleteI hope you do fantastic on your 2013 challenges and reach your goal of 140 books, and read a ton of fantastic books. <3 Happy New Year! =)
Thank you, Aneeqah! I really hope I don't fail my 2013 challenges LOL! Happy New Year to you, too! :D
DeleteAwww, love you, Jana!! You have read SO. MANY books this year! Um, whoa. Great ones, too. Love how you started off the year with something super sweet--The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight. I love that book. I already said Happy Blogoversary on your other post... We're both taking part in the DAC next year! We much talk about this. And now I have no idea what else to say...
ReplyDeleteLove you, girl! Happy New Year! May 2013 be a WONDERFUL year for you!
Just a Booklover
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