Title: All The Broken Pieces
Author: Cindi Madsen
Release Date: December 11th 2012
Publisher: Entangled Teen
Genre: Young Adult, Contemporary, Mystery
Pages: 304
Source: For review
What if your life wasn’t your own?
Liv comes out of a coma with no memory of her past and two distinct, warring voices inside her head. Nothing, not even her reflection, seems familiar. As she stumbles through her junior year, the voices get louder, insisting she please the popular group while simultaneously despising them. But when Liv starts hanging around with Spencer, whose own mysterious past also has him on the fringe, life feels complete for the first time in, well, as long as she can remember.
Liv knows the details of the car accident that put her in the coma, but as the voices invade her dreams, and her dreams start feeling like memories, she and Spencer seek out answers. Yet the deeper they dig, the less things make sense. Can Liv rebuild the pieces of her broken past, when it means questioning not just who she is, but what she is?
I was so SO excited when I got this book for blog tour review. Ever since I read Cindi's debut DEMONS OF THE SUN and found out she has a new standalone book coming out with Entangled Teen(!!) I knew it was bound to be amazing. And it was. So freaking amazing!
There's something about Cindi Madsen's writing that makes it very impossible to put down this book. I read this in one sitting and I don't regret a moment of it! And you may say that the plot isn't very original, that there's about 100 memory loss/coma/blah blah blah YA books right now, but this author managed to turn it around and make it completely her own and brand new. This is one of the best ones. Trust me :)
Liv was such an interesting character! I really liked her! And the two very different voices in her head - lol I love how they contrast against one another. And Spencer *swoony sigh* That boy is charming. I loved Liv and Spencer's relationship with each other. Even though this romance wasn't as hot or as swoon-y as I'd like it to be, it was still very fun and sweet. I love how real their relationship was, and how it progressed at such a nice pace that you would never say 'umm, love at first sight'. Never.
Rarely I can figure out the mystery from the 100 pages or so, but with ALL THE BROKEN PIECES, the author kept me guessing and guessing about what's actually happening. And that revelation - OMG. I DID NOT EXPECT THAT. I think my mind just went BOOM. I thought it was very well thoughout and very sneaky.
I'm still undecided about which Cindi Madsen book is my favourite out of the two - this or Demons of the Sun - because I love them both for very different reasons. But what I know is that I'm very much looking forward to all her upcoming books and no doubt I'll read and enjoy them! :)
Amazon (paperback): http://www.amazon.com/All-Broken-Pieces-Cindi-Madsen/dp/1620611295/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1353947263&sr=8-2&keywords=all+the+broken+pieces
Barnes & Noble (paperback): http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/all-the-broken-pieces-cindi-madsen/1110678798?ean=9781620611296
BAM! (paperback): http://www.booksamillion.com/p/All-Broken-Pieces/Cindi-Madsen/9781620611296?id=5539474169913
Book Depository (paperback, released January 3,
2013): http://www.bookdepository.com/All-Broken-Pieces-Cindi-Madsen/9781620611296

Twitter: https://twitter.com/cindimadsen
Website: http://cindimadsen.com/
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